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 Namo - Guru Dass Singh CD

Namo - Guru Dass Singh CD

Item No: KH-737
9,95  incl. 19% VAT

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"In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for love, I give it. Such is my nature".
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Guru Dass Singh is one of the most respected and popular musicians in the music world of Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Gifted with an exceptional musical talent and refinement, he has contributed some of the most beautiful and touching songs, and melodies which have become evergreens and will surely be heard for many more years and by future generations of Yogis, Yoginis and Yoga teachers.

With his new album Namo Guru Dass Singh reaches out to the soul of the listener to plant a wonderful seed of love, gratitude and bliss. In his own words, Guru Dass Singh says about his album:

”Namo... expresses the essence of Bhakti: I bow. It is surrendering to Divine Love: love for God and love for the Self.
To the Bhagats, who practiced Bhakti, the yoga of love (Kabir, Nam Dev, Ramanand, Mirabai, Guru Nanak...), the sufi poets (Rumi, Hafiz, Sheikh Farid...), the Christian mystics (St. John of the Cross, St. Theresa of Avila...) love is the path to God. God is love and love is God. Through acts of kindness, devotion, poetry, service and chanting, one re-awakens to abundance, which is Love itself.

That is what this album is about for me. I realized a long time ago, that I am a Bhagat, a devotee. Music, poetry and chanting are my personal path. Divine love heals me and makes me feel complete. Nothing else can and nothing else does. I’ve looked for it outside of myself all my life, to realize that it is only through love, of my Self and the Divine, that my emptiness is filled.
Namo, Namo, Namo..."

Musicians & instruments on this album:
Guru Dass Singh - vocals and acoustic guitars
Simi Khalsa - backup vocals
Carlos Fernández - keyboards, drums and percussion, vocals, guitar, loops from Spectrasonic and Reason
Soledad Guerrero - backup vocals
Jorge Díaz - guitar solos
Tato Gómez - guitars, backup vocals
Nelson Arriagada - bass, cello
Pedro Melo - flutes, duduk, mandolin
Pablo Undurriaga - synthesizers, techno touch, bansuri flute
Nicolás Soto -  recorder
Carlos Cornejo - percussion

1. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (6:56)
2. My Hands Are Empty (5:55)
3. Crimson (6:35)
4. Akhan Jor (11:32)
5. Heart - Ad Gurei Nameh (11:00)
6. Joy - Ad Gurei Nameh (11:00)
7. Who Cares (6:06)
8. Pavan Guru (8:48)
9. Long Time Sun (1:43)
10. Wahe Guru Jio - Techno (7:49)

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