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 Calling on Royal Courage Atelier, 5.-8. Decembre 2025

Calling on Royal Courage Atelier, 5.-8. Decembre 2025

Avec Shiv Charan Singh, D-33510 Butzbach-Maibach (Taunus)

Invite royal courage into your live.

If we don't swim, we sink.
The fate of humanity depends on the development and cultivation of what is known as ‘Khalsa consciousness’, a pure, alert and mindful consciousness. This in turn comes from reciting and vibrating the Naam, the true and divine identity in our hearts and existence.
We also need purity of mind through which we can attain transparency and enlightenment.

In this special workshop, we will learn and practice using proven, intensive yoga techniques and the science of Karam Kriya - applied numerology - to manifest courage in our lives so that we can face life's challenges and struggles fearlessly and with a clear mind. Connected to the infinity and light of our soul, we will be able to overcome all inner and outer darkness.

Shiv Charan Singh is the founding director of the Karam Kriya School based in Quinta do Rajo, Portugal, and director of the Guru Ram Dass Project, a non-profit organisation.
He is a native of Scotland and a remarkably authentic spiritual teacher.
Shiv Charan Singh is passionate about guiding his students in their spiritual growth so that they can bring spiritual awareness into their own daily lives and develop their potential as human beings.

He is a specialised consultant and author of several books on human communication, the secret of numbers and poetry. He conducts training programmes in various countries in Europe, America (North and South) and Asia. As a young man, Shiv Charan Singh had a series of near-death experiences that gave him a deep understanding of the process of living and dying that we all want to understand. As a teenager, he experienced a kundalini rising (a term used to describe a deep spiritual awakening). In his twenties, he studied Sikh Dharma with Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Sikh Dharma in the West. Shiv Charan Singh is a master of Karam Kriya and pioneered its teaching and propagation.

  • Date: 05 - 08 December 2025
  • Arrival and reception: 04 December from 17h, dinner 19h
  • End of the workshop: 08 December around 17h
  • Location: Seminarhotel Maibacher Schweiz, 33510 Butzbach-Maibach (Taunus)
  • Workshop languages: English, with simultaneous German translation

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