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White Tantra Yoga

"The Beauty of White Tantra Yoga is that it is subtle, it is exalting and it works to gives you the Mastery of Life."
- Yogi Bhajan

White Tantra Yoga & Yogi Bhajan

The practice of White Tantric Yoga®, as with most sacred Eastern wisdom, had previously been a tradition passed on from teacher to student in a mystical and selective way. In 1970, the authority to be the Mahan Tantric, Master of White Tantric Yoga®, was bestowed on Yogi Bhajan. As a pioneer of the Aquarian Age, Yogi Bhajan decided to open the experience of White Tantric Yoga® to anyone who wanted to commit to the discipline. In 1970, for the first time in history, White Tantric Yoga® was taught publicly, in Los Angeles.

Until 1986, Yogi Bhajan traveled throughout the world presenting as many as thirty workshops each year to thousands of students. In 1987, using his unique abilities as Master, together with modern technology, he began to present White Tantric Yoga® as a video-taped series. He said the videos would continue to have the same effect when he was no longer in his physical body. This has proven true, and in fact since his passing from his physical body in October, 2004, thousands of students have confirmed that their Tantric experience is one of being in his energetic presence.

How White Tantra Yoga works

Imagine the energy of the universe as both parallel and perpendicular in nature, like a cloth woven together. As a cloth becomes stronger when it is stretched on the diagonal, so the White Tantric Yoga® diagonal, or Z-energy, is stronger. This energy, when directed by the Mahan Tantric, cuts through the blocks that are stuck in the subconscious mind.

Using the diagonal energy, the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan, connects his subtle body to the subtle bodies of the participants through the course facilitator. This works the same way as a worldwide telephone system that relies on satellites and electromagnetic energy in order to connect two parties.

White Tantric Yoga® should not be confused with black tantric, or red tantric. Those forms of yoga also transform energy, but in a different way and for different purposes. Black tantric directs the energy to manipulate another human being, and red tantric directs the energy solely for sexual purposes. White Tantric Yoga® serves to raise one's own consciousness and allow the experience of a universal totality of oneness within oneself and the world.

How White Tantra Yoga is performed

White Tantric Yoga® is done within special workshops in pairs, and as a group meditation. You sit facing a partner and follow instructions for meditation given on video by the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan. Since White Tantric Yoga® is neutral and not oriented sexually nor emotionally, it is not decisive whether you have a personal relationship with your partner.

A representative of the Mahan Tantric will be present to facilitate White Tantric Yoga®. All White Tantric Yoga® facilitators have studied personally with Yogi Bhajan. The facilitator's role is one of ensuring the methodology given by Yogi Bhajan is carried out, and helping participants maximize their experience. Each workshop consists of between six and eight Kriyas. A Kriya is a meditation incorporating:

  • a yoga posture (Asana)
  • a hand position (Mudra)
  • a breathing technique (Pranayama)
  • a mental focus and/or a Mantra

Sometimes the Kriyas are accompanied by mantra- and meditation music. These Kriyas vary in length up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks in between each Kriya. The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and uplifting.

CDs and Music for White Tantra

White Tantra Yoga, Vol. II - Nirinjan Kaur & Guru Prem Singh CD

White Tantra Yoga, Vol. II - Nirinjan Kaur & Guru Prem Singh CDSome of the most popular mantras from Kundalini Yoga and White Tantra Yoga, part 2. Sung by Nirinjan Kaur and others, music composed and produced by Guru Prem Singh.

White Tantra Yoga, Vol. I - Nirinjan Kaur & Guru Prem Singh CD

White Tantra Yoga, Vol. I - Nirinjan Kaur & Guru Prem Singh CDSome of the most popular mantras from Kundalini Yoga and White Tantra Yoga, part 1. Sung by Nirinjan Kaur and Simran Kaur, music composed and produced by Guru Prem Singh.

Har Singh Nar Singh - Nirinjan Kaur

Har Singh Nar Singh - Nirinjan KaurA special Mantra and Shabad from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga, sung by Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa.

Bountiful Blissful & Say Saraswati - Nirinjan Kaur CD

Bountiful Blissful & Say Saraswati - Nirinjan Kaur CDTwo wonderful pieces from the series "Musical Affirmations".

Sat Nam Wahe Guru - Three Indian versions CD

Sat Nam Wahe Guru - Three Indian versions CDA compilation of the three popular and classic versions of the mantra Sat Nam WEahe Guru by Ragi Sat Nam Singh, Jagjit Singh and Lata Mangeshkar.

Heal Me & The Dance - Nirinjan Kaur CD

Heal Me & The Dance - Nirinjan Kaur CDTwo popular titles from the series "Musical Affirmations".

Every Heartbeat & God is Within me - Nirinjan Kaur CD

Every Heartbeat & God is Within me - Nirinjan Kaur CDThis soothing album with the beautiful lyrics of Yogi Bhajan feels as if it removes the worries of the world.

Humee Hum & Peace and Tranquility - Nirinjan Kaur CD

Humee Hum & Peace and Tranquility - Nirinjan Kaur CDTwo popular titles from the series "Musical Affirmations", often used during the White Tantra courses.

Gobinde Mukande & Aap Sahai Hoa CD

Gobinde Mukande & Aap Sahai Hoa CDTwo popular mantra "classics" from the late 1970's, digitally processed and enhanced from audio tapes, and of timeless value.

Wha Yantee + Love & Ecstasy Suite - Nirinjan Kaur CD

Wha Yantee + Love & Ecstasy Suite - Nirinjan Kaur CDTwo popular titles from the series "Musical Affirmations".

Similar & Interesting

Circle Of Light - Gurudass CD

Circle Of Light - Gurudass CDThe top-selling album Circle of Light by Guru Dass Singh and Gurudass Kaur is really a great mantra- and meditation CD.

Adi Shakti - Gurudass CD

Adi Shakti - Gurudass CDThis CD features two classical Kundalini Yoga Mantras: Adi Shakti and Gobinde Mukande, each sung in a length of 31 minutes which is considered an ideal meditation time for transformation and for experience deeper layers of the self.

Longing to Belong - Gurudass CD

Longing to Belong - Gurudass CDOn their top-selling Album Longing to Belong, Guru Dass Singh and Gurudass Kaur demonstrate once more their unique qualities as "Hit"-writers and composers of wonderful melodies.

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