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 Los números del año 2025 - Vevey (Suiza) + en línea

Los números del año 2025 - Vevey (Suiza) + en línea

Self-Awakening through Numbers


Introductory Workshop & Full 5-Weekend Course
Karam Kriya - Applied Spiritual Numerology
On site (Vevey, Switzerland) & online
In French, with English translation

1.) Introductory Workshop 15 & 16 February 2025
The Alchemy between the Numbers of the Year 2025 and Your Personal Number

Each year brings a collective energy, but how it resonates with you depends on your own numerical vibration. This workshop explores the interaction between the universal numbers of 2025 and your personal number, creating a unique alchemy that can light your path for the year ahead.

2025: a year guided by the 9 and the 5
The 9 (2+0+2+5) evokes wholeness, wisdom and liberation. It's a year for concluding cycles, forgiving, and transcending what no longer serves.
The 7 (2+5): A time to forgive and to understand that we are forgiven. Developing the right understanding
The 5, the heart of 2025, is the number of change, of balance between polarities, and of courage in the face of the unknown.
Your personal number: Your personal numerical vibration reveals how these universal energies intertwine with your essence and your life path.

What you'll learn in this workshop:
How to calculate your personal number for 2025.
The significance of the interactions between the 9, the 5, and your personal number.
The specific opportunities and challenges that this numerical alchemy can bring in the key areas of your life: relationships, work, health, spirituality.

  • On site (Vevey, Switzerland) & online
    (Adi Shakti Centre de Yoga, Rue d'Italie 29, CH-1800 | Online through Zoom Link)
  • Languages: French and English

More info & registration: click here

2.) Complete course of 5 weekends
Discover the numbers of your path in the coming year and in your life.

Session 1, 22 & 23 March 2025: 1/9 Focus on your gift
Session 2, 12 & 13 April 2025: 2/8 We all need healing
Session 3, 17 & 18 May 2025: 3/7 Karma or Dharma
Session 4, 14 & 15 June 2025: 4/6 Do I trust or do I doubt?
Session 5, 19 & 20 July 2025: 5/10 A path of harmony and balance

  • Saturday and Sunday 9.30am - 5.30pm CET
  • On site (Vevey, Switzerland) & online
    (Adi Shakti Centre de Yoga, Rue d'Italie 29, CH-1800 | Online through Zoom Link)
  • In French, with English translation
  • 5 weekends
  • 1 year's access to recordings
  • Learn and apply the basics of Karam Kriya (Applied Numerology)
  • Establish your personal sadhana practice!

More info & registration: click here

Sadhana every Sunday
Related to the numbers in each session

  • 6.00 - 6.30 Japji (Prayer)
  • 6.30 - 7.30 Kriya (Kundalini Yoga)
  • 7.30 - 7.45 Meditation (Mantra & Music)
  • 7.45 - 8.00 Hukam (Word of the day)

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