The Art of Sales Englisch-Deutsch - Yogi Bhajan
Quotes of Yogi Bhajan. German translation: Sat Hari Singh

ISBN: 978-3-941566-50-7
Item No: EN-025
Sat Hari Singh, Sales Manager at Golden Temple Europe (Yogi Tea), recorded over a long period of time all those quotes and gems of wisdom by Yogi Bhajan about business and sales - but as usual with the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, they go way beyond that, because they can be understood universally.
Therefore this book is not just meant for business people but for all those who want to make their stand in this material world. 50 quotes and insights, each in english and german translation.
Format A5 (ca. 14,8 x 21 cm), spiral bound. 100 pages.
Language: English - German.
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YogiPress Sat Nam Media
Ringstraße 98
D-64823 Groß-Umstadt
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