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Meditation music by Snatam Kaur

In the heavens of Spiritual Music she is a wonderfully bright star: Snatam Kaur. The spirit of her music makes listening a delightful happening, and a concert with Snatam Kaur is a beautiful spiritual experience.

Snatam Kaur is one of the most popular New Age artists of our time! With over 70,000 albums sold per year she is the only artist who was listed each year in a row with 3 albums in the top 20 of New Age music division.
In 2018, her album Beloved was nominated for the Grammy Award!

Her music can be heard around the world in venues from yoga studios to schools to Hollywood films and in the homes of her fans worldwide. An International phenomenon, her music has reached almost every corner of the globe from North America, Europe, Asia, and South America to Africa and the South Pacific.
O one fan spoke for all when he said, "We come to Snatam's concerts to experience the beautiful atmosphere her voice creates, to heal and grow."

Snatam Kaur- Intro

Blending Gurmukhi mantra, Shabds (traditional Sikh prayers put to music) and the sweetest of songs, Snatam lays her heart and her devotion at the feet of the listener.
For Snatam Kaur, these chants as well as chants from other traditions, guide the way to healing, peace and social transformation.

"I learned from Yogi Bhajan about the meaning of the Naad and I had the opportunity to experience how the energy of these holy words has a positive and very real effect".
- Snatam Kaur

Snatam Kaur truly embodies the meaning of her name: Universal, Nucleus and Friend to all. She was raised by her parents in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of Sikh Dharma as shared by Yogi Bhajan. Next to her formation as food chemist in the field of organic food, she pursued her path as an artist and is committed to bringing peace to the world.
Whenever possible, Snatam Kaur teaches Yoga for children, of course with a lot of music.

Live Konzert with Snatam Kaur

Everywhere you can find rave reviews about Snatam Kaur, from the Houston Chronicle to the Hindustan Times. Snatam Kaur has the ability to cast traditional mantra singing into a contemporary form that flatters the ear and awakens the yearning of the soul.

Sacred Sounds Radio calls her music "spiritually uplifting and deeply soul-cleansing".

Ram Dass, well-known US author of "Be Here Now," says of Snatam Kaur, "She is purity, wisdom, and love."

Deva Premal, renowned mantra chantress, says about Snatam Kaur: "She is like a sister to me. We share the same devotion to our teachers."

More Info on Snatam Kaur:

Snatam Kaur Tickets, CDs & Videos:

Beloved - Snatam Kaur CD

Beloved - Snatam Kaur CDWith Beloved, Snatam offers a vast and infinite range of music that builds rich landscapes of song where her voice opens up in totally new directions.

Heart of the Universe - Snatam Kaur & Peter Kater CD

Heart of the Universe - Snatam Kaur & Peter Kater CDSnatam Kaur and Peter Kater invite you to a journey through the intimate pathways of the soulful songs on their album Heart of the Univerrse. With a combination of soaring piano arrangements, the soothing voice of Snatam Kaur, and the rich textures of the Macedonia Radio Symphonic Orchestra, the spiritual songs and ancient mantras are brought to life in a unique musical experience.

Evening Prayer Kirtan Sohila - Snatam Kaur CD

Evening Prayer Kirtan Sohila - Snatam Kaur CDSnatam Kaurs wonderfully soothing voice makes these versions of Kirtan Sohila, the Evening Prayer, a unique experience of peace and inner stillness.

Ras - Snatam Kaur CD

Ras - Snatam Kaur CDOn Snatam Kaur’s CD Ras, you can feel a sublime essence in every note. Snatam’s voice is open and filled with a deep and abiding heart-centered longing for the divine.

Divine Birth - Snatam Kaur CD

Divine Birth - Snatam Kaur CDSnatam Kaur is joined here by her mother Prabhu Nam Kaur in creating this album as a meditation tool to deepen the blessing and divinity of pregnancy and parenthood.

Liberation's Door - Snatam Kaur CD

Liberation's Door - Snatam Kaur CDThe music on Liberation's Door builds on the fluid, soaring sound that Snatam is known for, but raises it to a new level with her maternal energy unleashing a depth of emotion and richness beyond anything we’ve heard from Snatam before.

Mother's Blessing - Prabhu Nam Kaur & Snatam Kaur CD

Mother's Blessing - Prabhu Nam Kaur & Snatam Kaur CDOn this gentle, deeply moving album, the intimate, musical conversation between mother and daughter wraps you in a soothing blanket of sound.

Experience & Project - Snatam Kaur CD

Experience & Project - Snatam Kaur CDThis album from Snatam Kaur's series Meditations for Transformation contains an 11-minute and a 31-minute version of the meditation Ram Ram Hari Ram.

Bound Lotus - Re Man Eh Bidh Jog - Snatam Kaur CD

Bound Lotus - Re Man Eh Bidh Jog - Snatam Kaur CDThe Bound Lotus CD contains the Re Man Shabad and the Ra Ma Da Sa Mantra in the beautiful version of Snatam Kaur and is the perfect companion CD for the Bound Lotus Manual by Mahankirn Kaur.

Feeling Good Today! - Snatam Kaur CD

Feeling Good Today! - Snatam Kaur CDMantra and music become big fun for kids of all ages. Sing along with Snatam Kaur as she leads a lively group of children through songs and mantras.

Snatam Kaur Live in Concert, CD + DVD Set

Snatam Kaur Live in Concert, CD + DVD SetSnatam Kaur live performances on CD + DVD! You will become part of something mystical which carries each of her songs.

Amrit Vela Sadhana - Snatam Kaur CD

Amrit Vela Sadhana - Snatam Kaur CDAmrit Vela Sadhana is a gentle, meditative Sadhana CD with beautiful melodies, fantastically arranged and from Snatam Kaur's early musical phase.

Anand - Snatam Kaur CD

Anand - Snatam Kaur CDA wonderful CD by Snatam Kaur! Anand means Bliss - this album carries a message of profound bliss and joy.

Grace - Snatam Kaur CD

Grace - Snatam Kaur CDSimply brilliant! This top selling album from Snatam is a joyful expression of spiritual practice.

Shanti - Snatam Kaur CD

Shanti - Snatam Kaur CDShanti is a Chant Album from the Sacred Writings of the Sikhs to experience Peace. I am Peace. Peace is in me. The wonderful Album by Snatam Kaur, following her bestseller "Prem".

Prem - Snatam Kaur CD

Prem - Snatam Kaur CDPrem translates as Love and this is the energy that is carrying you from the first moment on like a warm wave of joy. Prem was Snatam Kaur's first album and marked the beginning of her extraordinary carreer as a milestone of her outstanding talent.

Celebrate Peace - Snatam Kaur CD

Celebrate Peace - Snatam Kaur CDSnatam Kaur's heart-opening release Celebrate Peace is an inspiring musical celebration of the spirit of peace and musical invocations of peace.

Connect & Heal - Snatam Kaur CD

Connect & Heal - Snatam Kaur CDFrom the series „Meditations for Transformation“ with Snatam Kaur's music - two selected meditations with detailed instructions.

Sat Nam! Songs from Khalsa Youth Camp - Snatam Kaur CD

Sat Nam! Songs from Khalsa Youth Camp - Snatam Kaur CDSnatam Kaur’s CD Sat Nam! Songs from Khalsa Youth Camp is a fun-filled album of songs and mantras for children of all ages. Join Snatam Kaur, Siri Nam Singh and the vibrantly singing children on this album as they share favorite songs from Khalsa Youth Camp – the Kundalini Yoga camp for children and Teenagers in Espanola, USA

Merge & Flow - Snatam Kaur CD

Merge & Flow - Snatam Kaur CDFrom the new series „Meditations for Transformation“ with Snatam Kaur's music - two selected meditations with detailed instructions.

The Essential Snatam Kaur CD

The Essential Snatam Kaur CDA fascinating compilation of some of Snatam kaur's nicest songs.

Joy is Now - Guru Ganesha Singh & Snatam Kaur CD

Joy is Now - Guru Ganesha Singh & Snatam Kaur CDJoy is Now is an album with dynamic and joyful innovations demonstrating the infintely divine nature of musical possibilities – GuruGanesha Singh, featuring Snatam Kaur.

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