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Sirgun Kaur

For Sirgun Kaur there was never a question about what she wanted to do, when she is grown up: Music! Already in her early ages she started to collect nursery rhymes, later accompanying herself on the piano she sang about her adolescent sorrows and was touring in her early 20s as a singer-songwriter through the United States. Music has always been an important anchor in her life.

When she discovered Kundalini Yoga, chanting and the transforming and healing powers of mantra her desire got a new, cristal-clear direction: Sacred, healing music! Since that day Sirgun Kaur devotes herself to chanting and has published her first recordings.
Today Sirgun Kaur lives together with her husband and her son in Phoenix/ Arizona.

Sirgun Kaur live at the Sat Nam Fest

"My childhood of constant travel, living as an expat in France, has taught me abundant gratitude for my voice. The human voice is the most portable, most readily available, and clearest expression of our soul. When we sing in a devotional way, we find the home we have always been seeking, inside our own heart. I knows how these sacred mantras can lift us beyond our limited reality, into a blissful and ecstatic space, and I live to share that experience with others."

Sirgun's Homepage

CDs by Sirgun Kaur

Dayaal - Sirgun Kaur CD

Dayaal - Sirgun Kaur CDDayaal means ‘kind’ or ‘compassionate’ – and this is Sirgun Kaur’s soul and spirit which radiates from within each of the tracks.

Reclaim Your Happiness - Sirgun Kaur CD

Reclaim Your Happiness - Sirgun Kaur CDSirgun's contribution to the popular series Meditations for Transformation, Reclaim Your Happiness, shares four powerful Kundalini Yoga meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan which can lead you to infinite happiness.

The Cosmic Gift - Sirgun Kaur CD

The Cosmic Gift - Sirgun Kaur CDWith her crystal-clear voice, Sirgun Kaur takes us on a spiritual journey into the realms of gratitude – where we feel deeply grateful for The Cosmic Gift.

The Music Within - Sirgun Kaur & Sat Darshan Singh CD

The Music Within - Sirgun Kaur & Sat Darshan Singh CDThe Music Within is an inspiring collection of mantras from the Kundalini Yoga tradition, as well as a couple from the Bhakti Yoga tradition. Especailly Sirgun Kaur's affirmative chant I Am the Light of my Soul is a highlight on this CD.

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Adi Shakti - Gurudass CD

Adi Shakti - Gurudass CDThis CD features two classical Kundalini Yoga Mantras: Adi Shakti and Gobinde Mukande, each sung in a length of 31 minutes which is considered an ideal meditation time for transformation and for experience deeper layers of the self.

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