Security of our online shop
The entire communication between your browser and our shop server takes place via the secure 256-bit SSL encryption. This guarantees that your data cannot be read by, or transferred to, third parties during transmission. All data that you submit via our shop will be transmitted exclusively SSL-encrypted (signature algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA encryption).
The credit card debiting procedure of our online shop is also SSL-encrypted via the certified card service provider Heidelpay (Unzer).
SSL encryption - what is that?
The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol was developed by Netscape and enables secure data exchange between your browser and websites such as our Sat Nam Europe online shop. Third parties cannot view nor access your data. In addition, the authenticity of the server can be verified.
The SSL protocol ensures that data cannot be read or manipulated during transmission. The SSL certificate issued by a state-approved certificate manufacturer also ensures the identity of an Internet site. The security certificate for our Sat Nam Europe online shop is issued by:
Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA.
You can usually recognize the SSL encryption of our site by a small symbol of a lock in the address line of your browser.
Learn more about SSL or TLS encryption: