Sat Nam Lounge
Yoga can also be understood as union or integration, as well as in a sense of "harnessing" and "tightening" of all forces for accumulation and concentration.
The word Ayurveda consists of two components: Ayus, the word for Life, and Veda, the word for Knowledge. Ayurveda is the science of a long and healthy life.
Music for Yoga & Meditation
Music for Meditation, Yoga practice, Dreaming, New Age and New world Music
Books & Videos
We offer selected literature with a focus on Ayurveda, Yoga, Health, Wellness and Conscious Lifestyle, as well as a wide range of Yoga-Videos.
Ayurvedic Teas & Organic Food
We make sure that with our products we always provide you with the best possible quality. We have identified the organic ingredientsin with a little star: *. None of our products are tested on animals!
Food Supplements
Sat Nam dietary supplements, for example Spirulina or Maharishi Rasayanas, or Ayurvedic foods like Chayawan Prash can optimize your daily needs.
Natural Cosmetics & Wellness
Natural Cosmetics not only serve the beauty and care of the human body, but also the stimulation and support of our natural skin functions.