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Music for Meditation by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa

Satkirin Kaur Khalsa is from the United States, where she studied Kundalini Yoga directly from Yogi Bhajan since 1970 and now trains new Yoga teachers for 36 years. She has committed herself to the development of human experience through music and the techniques of classical Indian Gurbani Kirtan.

Her mission is to teach and, through Simran (musical meditation on sacred sounds), to heal. The experience of light and intuition, evolving from this musical practice, was delivered to her by Yogi Bhajan, and perfected by well-known Indian Raagis.

She studied the science of classical Raag of northern India with famous musicians such as: Bibi Amarjit Kaur (Delhi & USA), Bhai Hari Singh (Amritsar, India), Bhai Jaspal Singh, Bhai Pargat Singh, Ustad Narinder Singh Sandhu (Amritsar, Patiala Gharana).

Satkirin Kaur Khalsa - live

In concerts, workshops and on her CD's, Satkirin Kaur Khalsa delivers the holy music of the Raagas, Mantras and Shabads for a broader audience and yet takes you to the depths of the sound current. She is accompanied by experienced musicians and producers such as Thomas Barquee, Dave Frank, Thomas Rodriguez as well as artists such as Wah! and Snatam Kaur and thereby magically merges classical Indian music with mantras and active meditation.

Supported by the sounds of the tabla and the cello, inspiring world music rhythms and smooth sounds, combined with Satkirin Kaur Khalsa's devotional voice, her music and performances become a meditative, world-class experience.

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CDs by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa

Good Company - Satkirin Kaur CD

Good Company - Satkirin Kaur CDSatkirin Kaur's album Good Company beautifully and transcendently evokes the words of the Shabad Guru.

Sacred Kiss - Satkirin Kaur CD

Sacred Kiss - Satkirin Kaur CDSatkirin Kaurs album Sacred Kiss surges with originality. And with its abundance of straight-up rhythmic pieces, it renders passive foot-tapping obsolete, compelling you to stand up and dance for joy.

Blessings of a Woman - Satkirin Kaur CD

Blessings of a Woman - Satkirin Kaur CDBlessings of a Woman by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa is a wonderful album which features Kundalini Yoga Mantras and Shabds of prayer and blessing from and for women.

Ignite your Light - Satkirin Kaur CD

Ignite your Light - Satkirin Kaur CDLet yourself be guided by the power and beauty of the vocals and the exacting rhythms of the music.

Lightness of Being - Satkirin Kaur CD

Lightness of Being - Satkirin Kaur CDThe deeply devotional voice of Sat Kirin's fusion rendered mantras embellished with musical artistry of world-class-format give us this uplifting meditative experience.

Melody & Majesty Sadhana - Satkirin Kaur CD

Melody & Majesty Sadhana - Satkirin Kaur CDMelody & Majesty and a wonderful sadhana album by Satkirin Kaur in classical Raaga style, with corresponding morning raagas. Unique and very meditative!

Universal Prayer - Satkirin Kaur Khalsa CD

Universal Prayer - Satkirin Kaur Khalsa CDUniversal Prayer celebrates the wisdom of the great sage Patanjali, and the divine guidance of Guru Nanak, in a beautiful album of Kundalini Mantra chants.

Mangala Charan of Jaap Sahib - Satkirin Kaur CD

Mangala Charan of Jaap Sahib - Satkirin Kaur CDThis 62-minute production of galloping and hypnotic rythyms feature SatKirin's voice resonating deeply from the heart with a feeling of contagious joy. With original recordings of Yogi Bhajan!

Jaap - Satkirin Kaur CD

Jaap - Satkirin Kaur CDEntrancing and powerful, yet sweet and gentle, these mantras are another masterfully woven mixture of beautiful music, rich mantras, and Yogi Bhajan's resounding voice in a mini-lecture.

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