Learn to play Harmonium - Bhagavantee A. Paul
An Introduction for Harmonium Beginners (English edition)

Item No: EN-032
This manual introduces you to the art of playing the harmonium, which fortunately is not as difficult as playing any other keyboard instrument.
The author Bhagavantee A. Paul has drawn on her experience as a piano and harmonium teacher to provide you with a practical tool to learn to play your harmonium on your own, which is sure to be a joy and a faithful companion for a long time to come.
Learn to play Harmonium is divided into the following chapters:
- History of the Harmonium
- Maintenance and care
- Basics of playing
- Basic exercises
- Music theory
- Chords and intervals
- Chord tables
- Song examples
Format: A4, spiral bound
Firm, sturdy paper, 24 pages
Language: English
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Additional product information
Bhagavantee A. Paul
Ernst-Mach-Straße 19
A-5023 Salzburg
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