Jap Ji Sahib, recited Slowly - Ram Das Kaur Khalsa CD

Item No: KH-666
The Japji Sahib consists of the Mool Mantra as the beginning followed by 38 hymns and a final Salok. The Japji appears at the very beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Book of the Sikhs. It is regarded as the most important Bani and is recited every morning. The word "Jap" means to "recite" or "to ‘chant". "Ji" is a word that is used to show respect as is the word "Sahib". "Ji" can also be used to refer to one's own soul.
Japji Sahib is a Bani .- a daily prayer - that was composed by Guru Nanak Dev who was the first of eleven Sikh Gurus.
"Repeating the entire Japji adjusts all the elements in all the charkas and gives you a complete tune up in your entire subtle and physical bodies…"
- Yogi Bhajan.
Recited slowly and moderately by Ram Das Kaur Khalsa - ideal for learning, or relaxed meditation.
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Import: Sat Nam Europe
Ringstraße 98
D-64823 Groß-Umstadt
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