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 Intoxicated with the Divine - Yogi Amandeep Singh CD

Intoxicated with the Divine - Yogi Amandeep Singh CD

Item No: KH-370
9,95  incl. 19% VAT

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Intoxicated with the Divine by Yogi Amandeep Singh contains rare Sufi mantras from Sufi traditions and also those that were taught by Yogi Bhajan in his vast universal teachings. With this album, Amandeep Singh has created a meditative musical access for experiencing True Divine in its totality - in this moment, perfect as it. The music, the chants and the trance-like Sufi-rhythms can open your heart centre, the centre of devotion, and will help you establish a consciousness of reverence and surrender. Experience what it means to be in the flow of totality.

Hu means ISness – Existence, the totality of the present moment, and experience that this is perfect. This is the sound of the soundless, an expression for what cannot be expressed. It is sometimes referred to as the Heartbeat of Existence. Intoxicated with the Divine offers an easy-to-catch version as well as a deeper version, for a deeper meditative experience.

Yogi Amandeep Singh says:
”The path of a Sufi Dervish is the path of unconditional love – Ishq. How to fall in love with the Whole. How to bridge the distance between Khaluq & Khalaq – Creator & Creation. In that realization, the Sufi dervish merges with the whole existence, gets drunk with the wine of Wahdat-Ul-Wajood – Great Oneness and declares, Haq Haq Haq – nothing but Truth, Truth, Truth.”


  • Huu Hu - Slow - Medium - Fast (31:54)
  • Haq Allah Hu Hu Hu (11:27)
  • Hum Dum Har Har Har Har Hum Dum (11:47)
  • Huu Hu - Long - Slow (11:55)

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