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 Infinite Bliss Waheguru - Yogi Amandeep Singh CD

Infinite Bliss Waheguru - Yogi Amandeep Singh CD

by Yogi Amandeep Singh

Item No: KH-715
8,79  incl. 19% VAT

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Infinite Bliss Waheguru is a 63 minute soundscape which will take the meditator into a deep and restful trance while absorbing the healing energy of the mantra of ecstasy. The Infinite Bliss Wahguru booklet contains information on the science of Mantra Meditation and instructions for the posture, mudra and breath which can enhance the power of the chant.

"There are eighty-four merid¬ian points on the upper palate (alveolar ridge) of a human's mouth. One can feel that up¬per palate with the tongue and experience its different surfaces. There are two rows of meridian points on the up¬per palate and on the gum behind the upper teeth. The tongue stimulates those meridian points, and they in turn stimulate the hypothala-mus which makes the pineal gland radiate. When the pineal gland radiates, it creates an impulse in the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland gives impulses, the entire glandular system secretes and a human being obtains bliss. This is the science."
- Yogi Bhajan

Mantra Meditation is perhaps one of the most ancient ways of self realization. "Man" means mind and "tra" means wave. Mantra is that which stops the waves of the mind. According to yogic and meta¬physical science, Mantras are formulas that alter the pat¬terns of the mind and brain chemistry. The ancient sages describe Mantra as a seed which when ripe flowers the divine within you. The chanting of Mantras creates a blissful and peaceful mind. It bestows on us the power to attain our goals and lift ourselves from the ordinary to the higher level of consciousness. It give us the power to attract prosperity, abundance and health.

Waheguru is a primal mantra revealed to Guru Nanak when he was one with the totality. It is composed of 3 sacred sounds Waa - Hay - G'roo which means Bliss, Truth and Consciousness. It describes our primal awareness which existed before time and space were created.

The Waheguru Chant in this CD is chanted according to Laya Yoga, which is a science of combining sacred sound with the breath. When vibrating the primal sound Wahe Guru, it is important to be-come aware of the vibrations it creates within the body and mind. If thoughts arise when chanting, don't try to stop the thoughts. Like a revolving door, they will come and they will go of their own accord. You just vibrate the sound, dissolving yourself into the sound. With each chant go deeper and deeper and merge your totality into the Naad of Waa - Hay - Guroo.

Infinte Bliss Waheguru (63:28)

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