Expanding Intuition - Guru Darshan Kaur

Item No: EN-131
A car may seem to be a tremendous mystery to someone who has never used one. The whole concept of the key fitting into the ignition is seen as magical to a child. Most children will grab for those keys. They know thyt they unlock doors, to houses and car motors, but a child is not prepared to use the keys properly until they are educated in the way of cars.
Likewise, Kundalini Yoga prepares you and educates you in the way of consciousness by using asanas, pranayama, mantra and mudra. Intuition is not a mystery or a mysterious art, it is a natural holistic way of operating in this world.
In this book, Expanding Intuition, by GuruDarshan Kaur you will find a rich selection of special meditations and excercises to tune up and develop your intuition. A4 format, spiralbound, 102 pages.
Format ca. A4, spiral bound, 102 pages.
Language: English.
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Additional product information
Import: Sat Nam Europe
Ringstraße 98
D-64823 Groß-Umstadt
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