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 Cherdi Kala - Mata Mandir Singh & Friends CD

Cherdi Kala - Mata Mandir Singh & Friends CD

The Yoga of Sound-Series

Item No: KH-394
7,99  incl. 19% VAT

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There is a mantra that is Wa-He-Guru, one of the tracks on this album by Mata Mandir Singh, Cherdi Kala - The ever rising Spirit. This mantra means: The ecstasy of God-consciousness that is beyond words to express. That is what is called the state of Cherdi Kala.

Did you ever experience someone smile at you and have your heart gladden and spirit lifted? That is Cherdi Kala. Have you ever walked down a country road and felt that flow of nature through the songs of the birds, the breeze blowing through the leaves of the swaying trees? Remember swinging your arms and striding along in harmony...a feeling that you are part of it all, glad to be alive, without a care in the world? That is Cherdi Kala. It is translated as the ever rising spirit.

Like on all albums in his Yoga of Sound series, Mata Mandir Singh is joined again by talented guest musicians such as gifted classical guitar player Michael Benedik, the charisamtic singing of Gurudass Kaur, or the Celtic Harp of Hari Kaur. Listen and share in the mantras on this Cherdi Kala album and let your spirit rise...


  • Ang Sang Wahe Guru (7:45)
  • I Am Thine in Mine Myself (15:47)
  • Sat Narayan (15:37)
  • Wahe Guru Chant (15:21)
  • Kundalini Surjhi (11:40)
  • May The Long Time Sun Shine Upon You (2:23).

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