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 Agar 31 Original Tibetan Incense, 18 sticks

Agar 31 Original Tibetan Incense, 18 sticks

Original Tibetan Agar 31 Incense

in stock  
1-3 days
Weight: 0,03 kg  0,03 kg
Item No: 5210
3,79 0,21 € / piece
incl. 19% VAT
plus shipping costs

Les bâtonnets d'encens tibétains Original Agar 31 Incense, connus pendant des décennies sous le nom de « Tara Healing Incense », sont utilisés depuis des siècles déjà et sont utilisés dans la culture tibétaine traditionnelle, par exemple en cas de stress et de tensions.
Ils contiennent 31 ingrédients d'herbes différents, principalement récoltés dans la région de l'Himalaya, qui sont ensuite soigneusement traités.

Original Agar 31 Incense contient donc un mélange exceptionnel d'herbes qui sont utilisées en tant que poudre d'herbes dans la culture tibétaine pour les maladies dites du vent - d'un point de vue ayurvédique, une sorte de trouble du vata-doshas. La poudre est saupoudrée sur un charbon ardent et la fumée qui s'en dégage est inhalée.

Les bâtonnets d'encens tibétains Original Agar 31 Incense sont depuis des décennies un classique très apprécié parmi les bâtonnets d'encens. Qualité pure sans additifs, pour favoriser la détente, l'équilibre et le bien-être.

Contents: 18 sticks (approx. 18 g)
Length approx. 14 cm.

Further Information:
The Original Tibetan Agar 31 Incense, formerly known as "Tara Healing Incense", like all Tibetan Incense sticks, are produced by hand from completely natural ingredients, without any synthetic substances or additives. The Incense sticks are made of herbs and plants that are used in Tibetan medicine for centuries, especially in religious ceremonies and for meditation. It is said that by burning this incense, evil spirits and bad thoughts will be dispelled from the mind, and that it protects the user from negative energy. In addition, the warm enveloping fragrance promotes purity and calmness.

The Tibetan incense sticks are brought in shape from a kind of dough, which is kneaded very long by hand and consists of water and 31 different herbs of the highest purity and in varying composition. Subsequently, this dough is gently dried in the shade to keep its fragrance and quality.

The herbs grow naturally in the Himalayas and are being very carefully selected and harvested. It is said that the plants that grow in this area carry a strong vitality and have healing powers, which is due to their proximity to the gods and of course the pristine, natural environment.

Tibetan Incense

Tibetan Incense

Tibetan Incense are purely natural and manufactured by hand without any synthetic substances. They are pure, authentic and traditional

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Mon Bijou
Franz X.J. Huber
Hauptstraße 14
D-73497 Tannhausen

Reviews on this product 5/5 (2)

ottimo prodotto

Incensi che donano serenità e piacere con loro profumi,creano un atmosfera di ace che ispira alla preghiera!Consigliatissimo

Surprisingly Good

I ordered some to test it for my anxiety disorder. So far this incense has helped to relieve stress and make me calmer. As for depression it has not worked, but without stress such is much easier to cope with.

Those with asthma may wish to reconsider for this caused breathing problems for my mother due to the strong scent. Personally I am certain to order some more. The healing effect was something I doubted, but it works!

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